Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh
If you had a long time visiting Vietnam and especially Ho Chi Minh City. There will probably be times when you wonder if there are neighboring countries that are both beautiful and low cost.
The main answer is Cambodia. More detail is the capital Phnom Penh.
From Ho Chi Minh City, you can easily travel to Phnom Penh capital by bus or mini van. It costs about $ 10 and takes 6 hours to arrive.
When you arrive in Phnom Penh, you will be surprised about this country because of its beauty and cleanliness.

Dubbed the Golden Temple country, there are more than thousands of large and small temples around the city for you to visit.
Along with that is the extremely strange and interesting street food that makes you feel very refreshing when you come here.
Read More: Ho Chi Minh to Phnom Penh
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